A NINE-year-old boy found out what it was like to be in charge of his school when he was voted to become head teacher for the day as part of a class project.

Year 4 pupils at Sidemoor First School elected Dylan Cleaver as their head teacher as part of a project held to coincide with the General Election on June 8.

Dylan, who was aided in his role by his three rival candidates, said: "It was a good day and I really liked the experience.

“It was a once in a lifetime thing and I really liked working in the head teacher's office. I would like to be a head teacher, but it depends on GCSEs!"

Among his duties was taking part in learning walks, introducing assembly, monitoring play times, and feeding back to teachers in the staff meeting.

Deputy head Richard Watkins added: “As part of his manifesto promises, Dylan will also be organising a picnic in the park for all children in a few weeks’ time.

“We are sure this will be a huge success.”