PRESIDENT Mavis Drew welcomed members and visitor Jo Thomas. Chris Bould was welcomed onto the committee as secretary to replace Imir Frazer. Molly Giles and Pat Haddon were thanked for offering to run the raffle stall.

Apologies were received and then we went into the business of the meeting. Some great outings were presented including Pam Ayres at Birmingham Town Hall.

The book club will meet on its normal day to discuss “The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim”, written by Jonathan Coe.

Members were asked to bring along unfinished items of craft work, for the competition and the resulting coins were donated to ACWW.

The competition winner for 2013 was Elisabeth Osborne, she will be presented with the salver after it has been engraved.

The group walk will be starting from the Royal Oak in Barley Mow Lane at 10.45 am for 11am start.

The Bromsgrove and Hillside Group are also hoping to form a choir to sing in the street during the Bromsgrove Festival.

Speaker Jo Veal was welcomed and she showed us how to draw Pop Art, which was great fun.

The raffle winners were Liz Fox, Janet Ratcliff, Maureen Judd, Marion Hughes and the competition was won by Barbara Deakin.

Next month’s meeting will be a belly dancing lesson and the competition is a shawl or scarf.

A warm, friendly welcome awaits new members and visitors, why not come along and enjoy an evening with us on the first Tuesday of every month (excluding January and August).

For more information about Lickey WI call president Mavis Drew on 0121 445 5807 or visit our website lickeywi.