IT WAS good news to hear the Norbury Theatre will also be showing the live link to the Albert Hall next year for the WI’s centenary celebrations.

Tickets will be in the order of £10.

It was decided to keep meetings at 2.30pm, although this may be reviewed in the winter months.

On October 15 and 16 there are NFWI Open Days in London for those wishing to go along. WFWI are again calling for singers to perform in this year’s carol service.

The new Denman College brochure was out covering courses until May 2015.

Judy Lee gave a comprehensive round-up of all the forthcoming trips and outings including lunch with speaker Gordon Hartley Bennett, the RSC musician to be held on October 9 at the Holt Fleet Hotel.

On July 17 at Hallow Village Hall there will be a ‘flowers and fizz’ course at a cost of £10 and the Annual Council Meeting is arranged for September 16, the cost for that is £12.50.

Play reading group has stopped now for summer recess.

Speaker Diane Campbell gave an engaging and captivating talk about her life in television. She started with the BBC as a junior typist/ administrator, then progressed to researcher, which included visiting the sewers beneath London, to eventually producing and directing her own children’s television programmes which included filming children on adventure trips to the Himalayas and Kenya.

She also worked on early series of Dr Who and alongside celebrities such as Matthew Kelly.

The next meeting is the garden meeting at secretary Ann Randall’s house on July 8.

The group does not meet during August but normal meetings at Oddingley Village Hall will resume on the second Tuesday of the month from September at 2.30pm. Visitors and new members welcome.