St Catherine's Blackwell WI

The January meeting was opened by Sue who welcomed everyone and then introduced the speaker for the evening Neil Roberts.

Neil is a magician and his talk was entitled; the secret life of a magician.

Every town or city has its own magic club or society and there are one hundred active magic clubs in the UK each with its own committee and President. His talk included the history of these clubs and society's and he also told us that he joined the British Magical Society in Birmingham in 1979 and that he had held every office within the group. His talk also included anecdotes and stories from his backstage career and a few magic tricks too. The talk was both informative and entertaining.Jenny thanked him on behalf of everyone.

Moving on to the business Sue B announced apologies thanked Pam S and Sandra for providing cakes and making tea and coffee, Carolynne for manning the door and welcoming members.

Birthday cards were given to Jules, Sue K and Rosie.

Sue B also asked for volunteers for the Committee. Norma confirmed that she was giving up the position of Speaker Secretary but would remain on the Committee. She also said that if members would like to knit squares for blankets for babies in Malawi they would be passed on.

The WI moodle has been mentioned at secretary's meeting and Sue B would like to know if anyone objected to email addresses being passed on so that passwords can be issued and members can access the website which has lots of interesting information including recipes patterns etc.

A list of dates for diary’s was given out transport to the ballet was briefly mentioned and it was decided to discuss that further at the next meeting.A board was circulated for members to choose their menu for lunch before the ballet.

Our visit to M&Co has been changed to May 26 but this will be confirmed when Kris returns from holiday.

An invitation to Blackwell and Burcot had been received and Carolynne Rosie and Sue K have accepted.

Two Skittles matches remain to be played and this will be on February 9 and March 1.

Resolution forms were collected and Jules took them to Federation office. Pearl has invited everyone to her Special Birthday Party and sent a board round with details.We are hoping to take a photo of all members for the social history project. Subscriptions are due and should be paid as soon as possible.