Fairfield WI

Tonight was the Christmas party.

A cheese and wine supper was prepared by the committee and it was absolutely delicious with the tables beautifully decorated.. Several members made deserts and it was all very enjoyable.

The musical entertainment was put on by Andrew Crabtree who played Christmas carols which we all joined in. Also he explained the history behind each carol which made it very interesting and surprising in some cases. When you think the many years we have sung these carols without knowing any of the backgrounds.

The competition was a home-made Christmas tree decoration. 1st. Sheila Morris 2nd Ann Galbraith-Jellie 3rd Meriel Scurrell.

We all took part in a Secret Santa. Also instead of bringing individual Christmas cards we donated money to Guide Dogs for the Blind.

The next meeting is on January 11 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The speaker is Vince Williams on WI at War. The competition is a Wartime Memorable item. Do come along you will be very welcome.

The WI would like to wish you all a happy, peaceful and healthy new year.