WE SHOULD all thank the SNP for their dominant campaign which converted most of the floating voters to vote Conservative. Thank you Ms.

Sturgeon. Sadly other parties all lost out by way of seats.

However, things could be a lot worse.

David Cameron’s coalition has left us in more debt than in 2010. They have made a complete hash of the Middle East, and if it had not been for Russia’s Putin we would be bombing the wrong side in Syria. Do not forget the Libyan crisis is all of our own making. I wonder if Mr Cameron replaced the cruise missiles he used on them?

Do you think that Mr Osborne will collect tax from the multi-nationals – unlikely.

He has not closed down our tax havens in Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man, which would be a good start.

Do you think the Bedroom Tax will help debt reduction?

Probably as much as the Pasty and Caravan Tax that was proposed. The way this tax is being implemented, it would be far better scrapped in its existing form.

What about the EU Referendum?

Now that’s a good prospect for saving money if it is handled right. We have two Prime Ministers: Nigel Farage is the British Prime Minister (Ukip) in the European Union, and David Cameron is our PM in Westminster.

What a negotiating team they would make. They could succeed together, as Nigel Farage knows all the facts perfectly, and would make sure that these are not covered up.

If they do work together, we will know that this is a serious proposition.

J Brant Droitwich