THE PM has already pledged that Britain would take 20,000 refugees over five years from the most vulnerable group in the camps in neighbouring countries to Syria. I wish he would also accept the enterprising people who have travelled across Europe to find safety – many of them doctors and teachers which we are short of here.

If we do not respond to the extreme plight of these people then we will live to regret it. The refugees have nothing – even the poorest in our society has more than they do, and we can afford to be generous. If we do not respond adequately now, a generation will grow up with no education and as an underclass, with no citizenship of any country, and will be ripe to be recruited to the socalled Islamic State in Syria when they are forced to return.

I understand that our surgeries and schools may well be overstretched to take more people, but maybe Bromsgrove School could be generous here? It is obvious that if we do not share our wealth then those in extreme situations will rise up and take, rather than themselves perish from hunger. This has happened in all the great civilisations before ours, in all parts of the world. If you were in the refugees situation I guess you would not hesitate to take from those who have much and choose not to share from their surplus. It is in our own self interest that we must respond.

Margaret Evans

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