Children as young as ten have been putting themselves in danger by climbing buildings and playing on scaffolding.

Police are looking for youths who have been climbing a community centre in Wychbold.

Droitwich Safer Neighbourhood Team has released images of the male youths in an effort to identify them.

A post from Droitwich Cops read: "Droitwich SNT are trying to identify these males who have climbed onto the scaffolding of the Community Centre.

"We have full images of those involved, however due to their age we are unwilling to show their faces."

The post continued: "These actions are not only antisocial but also dangerous due to the nature of the work being carried out on the centre.

"We are aware of other children as young as 10 who have also been accessing the site."

Any information can be passed on to Droitwich SNT by emailing