SOME of our ladies, including president Jean,went to see Quartet at the Norbury Theatre, Droitwich Spa.

Weall enjoyed it verymuchand wished it had gone on a little longer.

Our annual outing was to Ludlow and was a great success.

It was a very pleasant visit to a lovely town.

On August 7 we had our annual garden party at Jean’s. Almost 50 ladies attended.

Other WI members of our group came along – it was lovely to see them.

Jean and the committee and her neighbours and friends had worked extremely hard to make it a successful afternoon.

Thedrinks, sandwichesandcakes were delicious. The raffle was enormous – almost everyone went home with prizes.

I think Jean will need a larger garden next year. On Wednesday, September 4, we will meet at 2pm at Rotary House.

There will be a demonstration of gift wrapping by Jenny Lander. Visitors are very welcome.