What is your full name?

Richard and Amanda Sidgwick

What is your email address?


What is the name of your business?

Lane Cottage Produce

What does your business do?

We grow chemical-free salad leaves - good for you and good for the planet!

Where is your business based?

Deerfold, near Wigmore in North Herefordshire

What would you like to say to your customers?

As a consequence of this awful pandemic our local independent shops have been incredibly busy as people have shopped much closer to home than usual.This has meant loads of new customers for our Wonderfully Tasty Salad Leaves.All these people have,for the first time,discovered a fantastic,healthy and environmentally-friendly alternative to the usual Supermarket offering. We really hope to be able to retain these customers when things start to return to normal.So to our new customers we would like to say please continue to buy or salad leaves at all your fantastic local shops that have kept us all fed so brilliantly over the last few months.

Add your contact details for customers

www.lanecottageproduce.co.uk for a full list of our stockists.Or call 01568 770720