WORCESTERSHIRE County Council has reduced its carbon emissions by nearly half in just over ten years, it ins efforts to become a greener authority.

The county council has seen a 42 per cent reduction in absolute carbon emissions from its own operations and activities since 2009/10.

The council’s net carbon emissions have reduced by 49 per cent since 2009/10.

Much of this has been through making improvements, such as making council buildings more energy efficient through better insulation and lighting, switching street lighting to more efficient LED lamps and investment in renewable energy, such as solar panels and renewable heating systems in some council buildings.

Absolute carbon emissions cover council operations and activities including buildings, fleet vehicles, street lighting, staff mileage, and also emissions from the disposal of waste from households across the county.

Net emissions include carbon benefits, or offsets, against the absolute emissions total including the benefit of purchasing 100 per cent accredited renewable electricity for all council buildings and street lighting.

Councillor Tony Miller, cabinet member for the environment said the reduction in carbon emissions is a ‘real statement’.

“I’m really pleased to see the positive progress we have made in this area continue over the last year and to see our net emissions reduce by almost half over the last decade is a real statement,” said Cllr Miller.

“I’m looking forward to seeing changes continue as the net zero carbon plan develops.”

In 2019, the Council agreed to work towards the national net zero target set by Central Government, aiming to reduce the Council’s carbon emissions to as near to zero (net zero) as possible by 2050.

The council’s Net Zero Carbon Plan was approved towards the end of 2020 and sets out how the council will aim to meet net zero emissions by 2050.