A BROMSGROVE-BASED invention has been awarded the royal seal of approval.

The Proteus was born out of a partnership between the University of Birmingham and RSH Hydro in Bromsgrove.

It measures environmental, and industrial pollution in water and offers a breakthrough in the way that pollutants in water can be monitored and managed.

Currently, it can take up to 10 days for water authorities to collect and process water samples, whereas the Proteus delivers results in real time.

The Proteus is placed in the water, such as in estuaries, beaches, lakes, reservoirs, and wastewater treatment works, where its sensors pick up and alert to specific pollutants.

The invention has won this year’s Queen’s Award Enterprise for Innovation and is now being used worldwide to measure environmental and pollution levels.

Recent installations in the UK include mounting the Proteus onto buoys to monitor bathing waters in Hayling Island in Hampshire and Tankerton in Whitstable.