A ‘FRUSTRATED’ resident said ‘anything could have happened’ after bins caught fire at the rear of a block of Bromsgrove flats.

At around 7.30pm on June 14, Selina Collins-Grant was sitting in her living room in her flat on Talbot Road whilst her nine-year-old son was in his bedroom.

Suddenly she heard a bang at the window.

A kind-hearted gentleman alerted her to a fire at the back of the block of flats.

Selina said if it wasn’t for the gentleman, who she later found out was called Steve, she would never have known about the fire.

Bromsgrove Advertiser: A large bin was destroyed in the fire.A large bin was destroyed in the fire. (Image: Selina Collins-Grant.)

“There are two exits to the block, one at the front and the other at the back but the fire was at the back so it was blocked," said Selina.

“We went out the front and another lady called Serena rang the fire brigade.

“The flames were nearly as tall as the second floor.

“The fires service came really quickly but we obviously were not allowed to go back into the building until the fire was out.”

Selina aged 41 said she was ‘completely oblivious’ and didn’t ‘hear or smell anything’.

“The next thing we knew there was a fire outside,” added Selina.

“We are all families that live in the flats and it’s so scary as anything could have happened.

“Someone could have got hurt.”

Bromsgrove Advertiser: Firefighters extinguished the refuse fire.Firefighters extinguished the refuse fire. (Image: Selina Collins-Grant.)

Selina said she is frustrated as things like this happened and ‘nothing gets done about it’.

"I have lived in this area for nine years and it’s changed, there are anti-social problems but it feels like there are no consequences to people’s behaviour,” said Selina.

Bromsgrove District Housing Trust (bdht) which manages the block of flats on Talbot Road said they have spoken to residents following the incidents and no issues of anti-social behaviour have been reported.

John Whitwam, director of housing and communities at bdht said: “We are in the process of investigating further and we are working with local partners and the police. 

“We will continue to monitor the situation closely.

“If residents have any concerns regarding Anti-Social Behaviour in the area, please contact bdht on 0800 0850 160.”

Hereford and Worcester Fire Service confirmed they attended a rubbish and refuse fire on Talbot Road.

A spokesperson said: “A large rubbish bin within an external rubbish storage area was well alight and this was extinguished using a hosereel jet. External gas meters were isolated. There were no casualties and no other emergency services attended.”