Have you ever collected coins or stored them away and forgotten about them? Well, you might want to dig around and see if you’ve got a rare 50p coin as one has sold for 150x its face value on eBay.

The seller from Droitwich listed the rare Kew Gardens 50p as uncirculated but there is a chance you’ll find a 50p coin with the same design in your change one day.

This might be more difficult than it sounds though as the coin is the Royal Mint’s rarest 50p.

The coin is a 50p piece featuring the Kew Gardens Chinese pagoda with a decorative leafy climber twining in and around the tower like the one at the Royal Botanic Gardens.

Bromsgrove Advertiser: The rare Kew Gardens 50p coin sold in Droitwich for £75The rare Kew Gardens 50p coin sold in Droitwich for £75 (Image: eBay)

A portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth can be seen on the heads side of the coin.

Known as one of the Royal Mint's rarest coins, the Kew Gardens anniversary coin was originally released in 2009, with just 210,000 copies entering circulation.

As a result, it is one of the most sought-after coins by collectors.

Rarest 50p coins in circulation in the UK

The rarest is the Kew Gardens 50p which was designed to mark the 250th anniversary of the gardens in 2009. Only 210,000 coins were ever minted with this design.

The Kew Gardens 50p sells for £156.25 on average, but one seller received over £700 for one when they sold it on eBay.

The other rarest coins stem predominantly from the 2012 Olympics, with the wrestling, football and judo coins among the most valuable. Only 1.1 million of each of these coins were produced.

5 incredibly rare and valuable British coins

Flopsy Bunny and Peter Rabbit designs which were produced in 2018 are also highly valuable.

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These coins - 1.4 million of which were minted - depict the characters from Beatrix Potter’s novels and celebrate the life of the English writer and these sell for around £5.

In 2019, 500 million coins were produced, with three new 50p designs.

These included one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, Paddington Bear at St Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London.