A Bromsgrove carer has revealed her shock after finding a family of ducks have set up a home in her garden. 

Lesley Oliver, aged 64, was in the kitchen when she heard a loud quack and turned around to find a duck being followed by her 11 ducklings. 

The grandmother-of-five believes the ducklings might have hatched in her garden and was told they could stay there for around 50 days. 

The ducks could be in the garden for up to 50 days The ducks could be in the garden for up to 50 days (Image: Lesley Oliver)

She said: "I was so shocked. I was just standing in my kitchen and had the back door open when I heard this loud quack. I turned around and saw the duck and her little ones following her. 

"I think they might have hatched in the garden as I have seen a duck hanging around our road for quite a while. 

"They seem very happy waddling around the garden. They look very cute and I absolutely love animals, but finding 12 of them in your garden is quite a surprise." 

Ms Oliver has a dog-proof garden so the ducklings can't get out whilst they are unable to fly. 

The mother-of-three rang the vets and a bird charity for advice and they told her they would make their own way out of the garden but could be there for a few weeks. 

There are 11 ducklings in the garden There are 11 ducklings in the garden (Image: Lesley Oliver)

She added: "They offered to send a rescue charity over to collect them if I wasn't happy leaving them where they are, but they aren't hurting anyone so I would rather they didn't get disturbed. 

"I still haven't decided what to do yet, but I've been leaving out water for them and my neighbour has a big pond so I might see if we can lift the fence.

"It is very exciting having them in the garden and being able to watch them. My grandchildren are looking forward to seeing them and my granddaughter has already named them all.

"I do feel like I'm having to creep around the garden, but the mother duck is doing really well at protecting her babies."