The MP for Bromsgrove has launched a petition against plans to cut Winter Fuel Payments. 

Bradley Thomas has launched the petition demanding the Labour government reverses its decision to cut the payments for thousands of pensioners in Bromsgrove and the Villages. 

People in England and Wales not in receipt of pension credit or other means-tested benefits will lose out on the payment under the policy, which MPs are expected to vote on next week.

It is expected to reduce the number of pensioners in receipt of the up to £300 payment by 10 million, from 11.4 million to 1.5 million, saving around £1.4 billion this year.

The MP has said there is "no justification for the decision" and said he needs help from those in the constituency to get it reversed. 

Mr Thomas said: "There is simply no justification for this political decision. Those who have worked hard and paid into the system deserve to have a comfortable retirement.

"I am deeply concerned about the impact this policy will have on vulnerable residents. There will be pensioners this winter choosing between heating and eating because Labour is removing the vital support they need to keep their homes warm.

"I will be doing everything I can to get the Labour government to reverse their disastrous decision. And I need your help. Please sign my petition so we can make it clear to the Prime Minister and the Chancellor that the people of Bromsgrove and the Villages want Labour's decision reversed." 

Labour has defended its decision to cut the Winter Fuel Payments to avoid a "public health emergency". 

Sir Keir Starmer said: "I didn’t want to means-test the winter fuel payment, but it was a choice that we had to make, a choice to protect the most vulnerable pensioners while doing what is necessary to repair the public finances."

At PMQs on Wednesday (September 4), the Prime Minister said "no prime minister wants to do what we have to do" as he argued the "tough decision" was required to "stabilise our economy".

Residents can sign the Bromsgrove MP's petition by visiting