A village primary school has passed its inspection with flying colours.

Clyro Church in Wales Primary School in Clryo, near Hay-on-Wye, was rated excellent or good in all categories.

The school, which has 91 pupils, was inspected by Estyn - the Welsh equivalent of Ofsted school inspectors - in June.

In their summary, inspectors said pupils were happy and felt secure and their behaviour was excellent. They thrived as confident learners.

Teachers delivered a broad and balanced curriculum which engaged and stimulated pupils.

Leaders set high standards and were effective.

Inspectors rated the school's Wellbeing and Care and Support as excellent.

They gave it a good rating for Standards, Teaching and Leadership.

They did recommend pupils got more chance to apply their numeracy skills and the school needed to ensure consistently good spelling, punctuation and handwriting across key stage 2.