Sir – I would like to say thank you to every single voter who voted on December 12 and made democracy happen in Worcester.

Thank you to all the staff in electoral services and those who sat in polling stations all day.

Thank you to my fellow candidates, after sharing six hustings we became quite familiar with each other’s manifestos and offer to voters.

Congratulations to Robin Walker for keeping his job! After nine years, it is hard to have to be reinterviewed by the electorate or to be recommissioned.

I have had a fantastic team of volunteers and helpers and young people. I have received so many good wishes, so much hope for a better tomorrow. I am sorry that I have been unable to deliver that vision. My team have been magnificent.

The result is a tough lesson to be learned. It is not yet time for Worcester to have our first woman MP.

In our increasingly divided society, I hope the new parliament is mindful of its responsibilities and accountability for all sections of our country. In the new year, we need to move on from soundbites and back to reality and the facts of life in Britain today.  

There will be many people struggling over Christmas and worried for the future. 

Best wishes for love and peace to all.

Lynn Denham

Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Worcester