ELDERLY residents want action taken by a housing trust after some have been "marooned" in their Charford homes.

People in Morris Walk, many of whom are elderly, are finding it increasingly difficult to get out of their homes and get to their nearby shop, Rock Hill post office.

Residents say work began earlier this year to remove old garages and replace them with four bungalows, but problems started when the project commenced. Contractors fenced off what was the car park, which residents say has made vehicle access to properties impossible.

The footpath leading to the nearby store, Rock Hill post office, has also been closed to residents by the contractors.

Cath Ormsby, who lives in the road, said the majority of residents in Morris Walk were elderly and those who were able-bodied had a longer walk to the post office.

"To get to the post office we now have to walk down Austin Road, through the park and a tight alleyway. There are always lots of young people hanging around in the park and alleyway and it can be quite scary.

"Those who are not so good on their feet are now marooned in their homes because of all the work," she added.

John Taylor, from Staffordshire, whose brother, Fred, lives in Morris Walk, said some of the elderly people could not get out or visitors couldn't get to see them.

He added: "I myself, being partly disabled, had to be very careful walking along the rough footpath and I cannot bear to think about what it will be like when the road is icy. The whole thing is an accident waiting to happen."

Gary Fowler, Bromsgrove District Housing Trust's senior surveyor, said: "We apologise to residents in Morris Walk for any inconvenience caused while work to build the four new bungalows progresses. A petition requesting the closure of the footway running alongside Morris Walk - signed by all the residents in the four bungalows - was presented to our board member Councillor Sean Shannon and the local police earlier this year."

He said although one footpath has been removed, in direct response to the residents' petition, an alternative walkway to the post office was fully open.

Gary added that most of the bungalows did not have vehicle access prior to the work starting, but the trust would be revisiting the site to speak to all residents about the development and, if required by the residents, would work on a solution to the access issue raised.