ANIMAL lovers in Bromsgrove and across the UK are being urged to help Britain’s pet charity, The Blue Cross, by holding a tea party this spring.

The Blue Cross Tea Party is a fundraising initiative that combines two of the nation’s greatest loves – tea and pets.

To take part, all you have to do is hold a tea party with friends, family or colleagues and ask them to make a donation in return for tea and cake.

All the money raised will go towards helping thousands of needy animals cared for at the Blue Cross animal adoption centre in Wildmoor, its hospitals and other centres every year.

The event is being supported by popular actress Miranda Richardson.

She said: “I have two cats, Inez and Emil, and two dogs, Liv and Ivo, who mean the world to me. They are such wonderful, intelligent companions, so I know first hand how rewarding it is to own pets.

“But not all animals are as fortunate, and at a time when pet charities like The Blue Cross are facing the strain of the credit crunch, something as simple as holding a tea party can help them to continue saving pets.

“Just seven cups of tea could pay for a lifesaving drip for a sick animal, so your tea party, however small, could make all the difference,” said the actress.

Once you’ve registered to take part, The Blue Cross will send you a free event pack with lots of tips to help you host the perfect tea party.

To register and find out more, visit or phone 08444 993 663.