Burcot Garden Club

The club met on February 3 for their AGM - chaired by Malcolm Shepheard. It was very well attended, and the business of the club was processed swiftly and met with enthusiasm by the members.

Following on from the AGM , Rogery Umpelby gave us a talk on, "A plant lover’s view of New Zealand". The beautiful photographs that he had taken showed us what a truly lovely place New Zealand is. In particular, one picture of a field of multicoloured wild lupins against a backdrop of mountains, and a shot of Mount Cook at sunset - quite took our breath away. The strangeness of all the plant life – so different from anything found in England, was very interesting. The evening was ended with the usual cup of tea or coffee whilst Roger Umpelby was surrounded by members eager to ask questions.

The meeting held on March 2, will feature Adrian James who will be speaking on "Courtyard gardens". Hopefully this will give members some inspiration on how to develop their own gardens.

The club meets on every first Wednesday of the month at the Burcot Village Hall at 7.30pm. Visitors are always made very welcome.